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Update for partners, 9 March 2022

Dear Partner


You will be aware that we have very recently moved to the office space of our dreams and we are so excited about our plans for the new space. We are writing today with an update on our service provision going forward.


It has always been our preference that people are given a choice in what items they need and, from around mid-April, we're hoping to be able to open on an appointment basis to allow people to come to our premises and choose the items that they need with dignity. We will follow up with more details and how you can book an appointment on behalf of your clients shortly. 


In order to make this possible, we need to slow down to speed up and it is impossible for our small team to continue our reactive deliveries while preparing the new space. That being said, we have now closed our online request and pack delivery service.


It goes without saying that we will always do what we can to support in emergency situations. For emergency cases, please contact the team directly on 07521762134.


We would hugely appreciate if you could circulate this message amongst your colleagues.


Thanks and kind regards

The Refuweegee Team 

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